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How to Use the Fake REST API from for Testing and Prototyping

How to Use the Fake REST API from for Testing and Prototyping

In the world of web development, having access to reliable data is crucial for testing and prototyping. However, setting up a real backend can be time-consuming and unnecessary for many stages of development. This is where fake REST APIs come into play.

They provide mock data that you can use to simulate API calls, allowing you to focus on frontend development and testing without worrying about the backend. One such valuable resource is the Fake REST API from www.instantwebtools.net. In this blog post, we’ll explore how to use this tool effectively.

What is Fake REST API from instantwebtools.net?

InstantWebTools.net offers a Fake REST API service that provides a variety of endpoints with dummy data. This is particularly useful for developers who need mock data for testing, prototyping, or learning how to work with APIs. It supports operations such as GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE, allowing you to simulate a fully functional API.

Step 1: Explore the Available Endpoints

Visit InstantWebTools.net and navigate to their Fake REST API section. You’ll find a variety of endpoints related to different types of data such as airlines, passengers, and more.

For instance, here are a few endpoints you might use:

  • GET /airlines: Retrieve a list of airlines.
  • GET /airlines/{id}: Retrieve details of a specific airline.
  • POST /airlines: Add a new airline.
  • PUT /airlines/{id}: Update an existing airline.
  • DELETE /airlines/{id}: Delete an airline.

Step 2: Run with Postman Collection

Postman Collections allow you to organize and run multiple requests in sequence. Here’s how to set up and run a collection with the Fake REST API from InstantWebTools.net.

You can sync the postman collection from here.

Postman Collection

This will execute all the requests in your collection in sequence, allowing you to automate and test multiple endpoints efficiently.


Using the Fake REST API from InstantWebTools.net, you can easily simulate various API operations and work with mock data. This is an invaluable resource for developers who need a quick and reliable way to test their applications without setting up a full backend. Whether you’re building a new feature, learning about APIs, or prototyping a new application, InstantWebTools.net provides the tools you need to streamline your development process. Happy coding!

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