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Fake Rest API


This is a Free and Online Fake REST API. You could use this API on your next blog post, If you need to test your REST client application which you’ve developed with any programming language or you have to check how modern REST API’s are working, how we should create Endpoints or anything that you need to do with REST API could accomplish using the following API which is already hosted and accessible via the internet for FREE.

For the moment we’ve deployed 9 different API endpoints with covering most of the HTTP methods in modern REST API including GET, POST, DELETE, PUT, PATCH. Additionally, This API is accessible with HTTPS too. All the endpoints have separate documentation below on this page, And you just need to copy the URL from Below table and send your request from anywhere you need.

Available Endpoints

Here is the list of Endpoints which available on this fake REST API.

EndpointHTTP MethodDescriptionAction
https://api.instantwebtools.net/v1/airlinesGETRead all airlines details.
https://api.instantwebtools.net/v1/airlinesPOSTCreate airline data.
https://api.instantwebtools.net/v1/airlines/:idGETRead airline by airline ID.
https://api.instantwebtools.net/v1/passengerPOSTCreate passenger using correct passenger data.
https://api.instantwebtools.net/v1/passenger/:idGETRead passenger by passenger ID.
https://api.instantwebtools.net/v1/passenger/:idDELETEDelete passenger by using passenger ID.
https://api.instantwebtools.net/v1/passenger/:idPATCHUpdate passenger name with correct passenger ID.
https://api.instantwebtools.net/v1/passenger/:idPUTUpdate every detail of a passenger.
https://api.instantwebtools.net/v1/passenger?page=0&size=10GETRead all passengers. This endpoint supports pagination

API Documentation

Here is the full documentation of the mentioned API endpoints above and how you can consume those endpoints. Just copy the endpoint URL and use it with the following guidelines. Basically, we’ve mentioned how you should call the API and what are the things you should add in the request and what are the responses you’re getting from API backend for the specific Request.

Read All Airlines

This endpoint reads all the airlines from DB and return those as a list.


Response :

        "name":"Sri Lankan Airways",
        "country":"Sri Lanka",
        "slogan":"From Sri Lanka",
        "head_quaters":"Katunayake, Sri Lanka",

Read Airline By ID

Read single airline data by airline id from database. This endpoint returns a single json object on request.


Sample Response :

    "name": "Quatar Airways",
    "country": "Quatar",
    "logo": "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/9/9b/Qatar_Airways_Logo.svg/300px-Qatar_Airways_Logo.svg.png",
    "slogan": "Going Places Together",
    "head_quaters": "Qatar Airways Towers, Doha, Qatar",
    "website": "www.qatarairways.com",
    "established": "1994"

Create Airline

Create airline with correct airline details. This could create airline data on the database and you can read the airline data when necessary.


Sample Request :

    "name": "Sri Lankan Airways",
    "country": "Sri Lanka",
    "logo": "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/9/9b/Qatar_Airways_Logo.svg/sri_lanka.png",
    "slogan": "From Sri Lanka",
    "head_quaters": "Katunayake, Sri Lanka",
    "website": "www.srilankaaairways.com",
    "established": "1990"

Read Passenger Data - Pageable Endpoint

Read passenger data from more than 10000 passenger database. This endpoint supports pagination. You can get pageable response from this API endpoint.


Sample Request :

    "totalPassengers": 6,
    "totalPages": 6,
    "data": [
            "_id": "5eef7f1bdfa515ddc9feade",
            "name": "Saman Jeewantha",
            "trips": 500,
            "airline": [
                    "name": "Emirates",
                    "country": "Dubai",
                    "logo": "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/d0/Emirates_logo.svg/150px-Emirates_logo.svg.png",
                    "slogan": "From Dubai to destinations around the world.",
                    "head_quaters": "Garhoud, Dubai, United Arab Emirates",
                    "website": "www.emirates.com/",
                    "established": "1985"
            "__v": 0

Create Passenger Data

Create passenger data with correct passenger data. Here you need to include passenger name, number of trips and valid airline ID.


Sample Request :

    "name": "John Doe",
    "trips": 250,
    "airline": 5

Read Passenger By Passenger ID

Read single passenger data by passenger ID. Here passenger ID is a string value which is generated by DB.


Sample Response :

    "_id": "5ef4a412aab3841847750ce8",
    "name": "John Doe",
    "trips": 250,
    "airline": [
            "name": "Eva Air",
            "country": "Taiwan",
            "logo": "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/e/ed/EVA_Air_logo.svg/250px-EVA_Air_logo.svg.png",
            "slogan": "Sharing the World, Flying Together",
            "head_quaters": "376, Hsin-Nan Rd., Sec. 1, Luzhu, Taoyuan City, Taiwan",
            "website": "www.evaair.com",
            "established": "1989"
    "__v": 0

Delete Passenger

Delete single passenger data by passenger ID.


Sample Response :

    "message": "Passenger data deleted successfully."

Update Passenger

Update passenger name by passenger ID. Here we only allow a user to update passenger name using this request. If you need to update the whole passenger, you should use the PUT method below.


Sample Request :

    "name": "John Doe"

Update whole Passenger

Update whole details of passenger. Here, same like the creation request, you should give correct name, number of trips and correct airline ID.


Sample Request :

    "name": "John Doe",
    "trips": 500,
    "airline": 8

Fake REST API with Pagination

Do you need a Fake API that supports pagination? So here we have an endpoint that supports pagination. This API reads a dataset of more than 10000 rows of a dataset and returns a paginated response. Basically, you should introduce pageSize and pageNumber while you send the request to the API. Then API will return a response with an array of data, total number of items in the dataset, and total number of pages. Using those parameters you could easily configure pageable tables, views, lazy loadings, and many more where paginated responses should be used.



Are you having an issue with communicating your mobile app with HTTPS enabled REST API? Do you need to validate your connection? Basically, do you need fake REST API which supports HTTPS? So our API is 100% supports for HTTPS and the certificate is validated through sslshopper as well. This HTTPS certificate was issue by letsencrypt, and all the necessary configurations have done from our side to use as SSL certified HTTPS-enabled Fake REST API.

When Data Getting Reset?

As of now, we are going to open this API to the world through the public internet. So people could use this API whenever they need wherever they need. So data will be junked and deleted by the time, So we are running the data reset process dynamically within a week’s time gap. Normally we run the scheduled process at 12.00 AM UTC. So if you are consuming this API while in the resetting process is running, you could face issues.